Friday, August 26, 2011


My Personality test is saying I am

  • slightly expressed extravert
  • moderately expressed sensing personality
  • moderately expressed feeling personality
  • moderately expressed judging personality


Pages Read: 179
Pages Read This Semester: 179
Books Read: House Rules By: Jodi Picoult

- "If I had a girlfriend, I'd appear to be more normal."
House Rules
- "A son who tries to be like everyone else but truly doesn't know how."
House Rules
- "It's a room with no windows and no doors, and walls that are thin enough for me to see and hear everything but too thick to break through."
House Rules

The first sentence I posted shows a sense of reality. That in todays society people are judged by who they "hangout" with or who they are dating. If that person is weathly, popular, or good looking. That if the boy Jacob in the book had a girlfriend he'd be just like everyone else. People would not look at him as different. The last sentence I posted was very interesting to me, literally I understood the concept but thinking of myself being in his shoes was frightening. His mind had to of been going crazy.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


I can't believe it... Jess is missing! And Jacob has been questioned. This is Jacobs hobby shoved into reality. Its unreal though! I don't know what to think I'm so speechless I can't put my book down! Do you ever wonder why? Like why do people get blessed with something so unlucky or why do people get blessed with what it seems like everything in this entire world. Whoever you believe in, why do they make this world so crazy? I believe in what the yogi's say about the word om. That everything is moving, nothing is ever solid or still. Om is said to be the sound of the universe. Saying om takes us for a ride on this universal movement, through our breath, our awareness, and our physical energy, and we begin to sense a bigger connection that is both uplifting and soothing.The world is something many people think they're on top of and aware of but no one takes the time to simplify it and truly take a breathe and see the world for what it really is.

Even though this is what Jacob is always searching for; an opportunity to actually solve a case, I don't think he wants it to be about the girl hes so called "loves". However as the detective questions them he acts very sketchy. He is fidgety and cannot keep eye contact. The detective thinks its odd and so do I reading the novel; however, his mom says that is just how he is. That he didn't even get upset when his grandfather passed away. But why, why was Jacob at the crime scene? Was he simply waiting to be tutored or was there something more. His intelligence of this subject is over the top, that would just be the place for him to be. So what was all this? Coincidence or something much more.


This novel has began making me think about things I have never thought about, and made me try and figure out things I'd never think I'd want to figure out. But my new favorite thing about this story is Jacobs love towards Jess and hatred towards her boyfriend. He lists off reasons such as he makes her cry sometimes,she has bruises on her legs (and thinks they are from him), he calls Jacob retarded, and he ignores him whenever he sees him. Jacob's crush on Jess is unrealistic but he loves the thought of it. To him it'd make him feel "normal" and appear "normal". As I've been reading I've noticed parts where Jacob does not mind his syndrome and then other times were it seems as if all he wants to do is be "normal".

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

House Rules

Jacob a boy with Aspergers syndrome has many disadvantages but one unique skill. The skill of mastering criminal cases. His mind lets him plot out scenarios and play them out. His family has gotten very use to this odd hobby of his. Theo Jacob's brother is not fond of his peculiar focus on forensic analysis. He calls him a freak, and outcast all sorts. Trying to imagine having such a disorder is hard to comprehend, something most people do not think about. At the beginning of the book Jodi Picoult says "A son who tries to be like everyone else but truly doesn't know how". That sentence gave me a good understanding of how to understand Jacob.

Friday, August 19, 2011