Friday, August 26, 2011


Pages Read: 179
Pages Read This Semester: 179
Books Read: House Rules By: Jodi Picoult

- "If I had a girlfriend, I'd appear to be more normal."
House Rules
- "A son who tries to be like everyone else but truly doesn't know how."
House Rules
- "It's a room with no windows and no doors, and walls that are thin enough for me to see and hear everything but too thick to break through."
House Rules

The first sentence I posted shows a sense of reality. That in todays society people are judged by who they "hangout" with or who they are dating. If that person is weathly, popular, or good looking. That if the boy Jacob in the book had a girlfriend he'd be just like everyone else. People would not look at him as different. The last sentence I posted was very interesting to me, literally I understood the concept but thinking of myself being in his shoes was frightening. His mind had to of been going crazy.

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