Friday, September 30, 2011

Sentences of the week

1. “Adolescence is such a fun time in your life, because you think you know it all, and you haven’t gotten to the point where you realize that you know almost nothing.”
2.  "It's weird, I was such a survivor and so wanted to be a part of life while I was trying to snuff out the life that was inside of me"
3. “Then, just as suddenly as I had arrived at the gates of heaven, I left them.”

The first two sentences are from Scar Tissue and the third one is from 90 Minutes in Heaven. I thought these sentences this week were very powerful and really stuck in my head. 


This week I continued reading Scar Tissue and also read some of 90 Minutes in Heaven. Scar Tissue is about the lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers named Anthony Kiedis. He abuses drugs and just have the stereotype lifestyle of a rock star. He goes through so many ups and downs, almost OD's and just does some totally insane things. However 90 Minutes in Heaven is a completely different story about a man who is in a terrible car accident and when police and paramedics arrive to the scene they pronounce him dead upon impact. Don Piper was the man in the story and he layed there with a tarp over him while he began to see a bright white light. He began experiencing the entrance to heaven, with beautiful music, and everyone standing at a gate waving and waiting for him with the biggest smiles. He said he had never felt so happy, the way he felt was ineffable. The crazy part of this was Don Piper was not dead. A preacher came to his side to speak to him and pray to him .. the preacher doing this thought he was dead until he noticed him breathing. This story is truely an unbelievable story and gave me goosebumps and this strange feeling like a reassurance that heaven is there and God is waiting.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Sentences of The Month

- “We raised our glasses.”
- "It's a room with no windows and no doors, and walls that are thin enough for me to see and hear everything but too thick to break through."
-  “A wind picked up, rattling the windows, and the candle flames suddenly shifted, dancing along the border between turbulence and order.”
Lovin em! All these sentences I understand and think are grrrreat

Its the weekend woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011


Style: clean-cut, aggressive, alert, hip, neat
Rhythm: up-beat, percussive, fast pace, quick, loud, melodic, thundering, alive
Body movement: quick, narrow, minuscule
Attire: uniform
Facial Expressions: aggressive, poised, serious, determined, attention

[In this scene from Nick Cannons film Drumline, the aggressive and alert style, quick, narrow movement, and percussive, thundering rhythm] expresses[an alive sense of energetic celebration and modest jubilation]

Friday, September 16, 2011

Just thought of something

How cool would it be to be a girl DJ. Maybe I should try it out. That'd be way too cool. Making beats, looking fresh, meeting fellas. Livin the good life. Wonder why more girls aren't DJs maybe because we have to rhythm or atleast thats what people may think. 

Favorite Poems

"September Twelfth 2001" by X.J. Kennedy
"I said it to you" by Paul Eluard
"The Trail is Not a Trail" by Gary Snyder

All these poems stuck out to me compared to the others. However the one that stuck out most was obviously the 9/11 related one because that is someting I was familiar with and could really get into it and understand and feel the emotions and pain. That impacted us greatly and because of that I will always remember the effect it had. "I said it to you" stuck out to me because it seemed as if someone was really caring about someone looking up to them as a leader or hero and showing how much they mean. Saying "I said it to you for your thoughts for your words" If someone were to say that to me I would be so touched. Knowing someone wants to listen to your words and them thinking what you have to say is knowledgeable, important, etc is a compliment. 


This weekend I'm going to a krazzzy party then going to ballstate to visit my sister and tailgate and blah blah ya know. I'm so excited plus I just got finished with a book and she always tells me the best books to read so I'm going to ask her which book I should read this week and see what she says about it! I can't wait to see her she is awesome and like so totally kool.

And that dog is just too cute

Sentences of the week

1. Grandma was a West Texas flapper who loved dancing and cussing and horses.
2. We raised our glasses.
3. A wind picked up, rattling the windows, and the candle flames suddenly shifted, dancing along the border between turbulence and order.

All from The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls

Glass Castle


Friday, September 2, 2011

The Case Is Over

So the ending went like this. Jacob found Jess dead already and cleaned up all the traces and took her where she needed to go. The reason know one could find answers is because Jacob erased all of them. He was never lying he didn't kill her but he knew she was dead. Jess had slipped in the shower and hit her head causing her to die. Theo Jacobs older brother had seen her and freaked out. Jacob saw her and thought "this is like a dream come true" as strange as that sounds. Jess was his crush but forensics was his love. I'm going to go look on google to see if there are any cases similar to this one. If Jodi Picoult got this idea from an actual event. AND now i've got to find myself a new book :-)



Pages this week: 354
Pages this semester: 532

I don't think I've ever read this much in my life.

I Hope everyone is as ready for this weekend as I am!! I'm going to the lake with all my bffz and i cannot wait it is going to be sooooo much fun. I've been so stressed out lately and I just can't wait to go!!! yay!!!

Aaron Keebler

He has a picture in his room of himself and underneath it it says "Mr. Freckles". We're hanging out today after skool. cya then.

jenna hoppe

RUMOR ALERT!!!!! jenna hoppe is a G

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Weekend is here

I cannot wait for this weekend I am going to the lake with all my gal friends were gonna have a blast from the past well I mean present. My friends are awesome and unique and crazy. And G's! Plus it's gonna be labor day Monday which means no school yeehaw cowboys!


When your son can't look you in the eye...does that mean he's guilty?
Jacob Hunt is a teen with Asperger's syndrome. He's hopeless at reading social cues or expressing himself well to others, though he is brilliant in many ways. But he has a special focus on one subject - forensic analysis. A police scanner in his room clues him in to crime scenes, and he's always showing up and telling the cops what to do. And he's usually right.
But when Jacob's small hometown is rocked by a terrible murder, law enforcement comes to him. Jacob's behaviors are hallmark Asperger's, but they look a lot like guilt to the local police. Suddenly the Hunt family, who only want to fit in, are directly in the spotlight. For Jacob's mother, Emma, it's a brutal reminder of the intolerance and misunderstanding that always threaten her family. For his brother, Theo, it's another indication why nothing is normal because of Jacob.

I can't believe it I finished the novel!!!!!!!!! It was awesome!!! And such an unexpected ending but very interesting and breathe taking. I would have never predicted it