Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Style Mapping

In Cormac McCarthy's excerpt from "Blood Meridian" he writes in a picturesque, metaphoric connotative language. While in Neil Gaiman's excerpt from "Stardust" has a low but blunt and familiar language. "Stardust" could also be described as denotative because of it's straight-forwardness and literal characterization. Despite they're differences they both can create a picture in your mind but the way McCarthy does it is contrasting from how Gaiman does it. McCarthy creates pictures in the mind by similes, metaphors and poetic devices; while Gaiman is very common and edgeless when describing things.  Ron McLarthy's novel "the Memory of Running" is common and lacking picturesque, very bland and basic. It is descriptive but in a dull way of listing. None of these excerpts/novels portray any elevated or fancy language but more of an elementary and figurative way of writing.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New book I'm starting this week!

Jays Journal! I have already read Go Ask Alice and this is a companion diary to it. They both have the same problems, drug addiction. I'm exciting to start reading! I will get back to this once I get started .....

Currently and Sentences of the Quarter

Currently: Impulse

Pages this week: 405
Free verse style is why I read so many pages
This book was pretty interesting and VERY easy for me to read because the pages were so short which made me want to keep turning and turning them. I normally struggle with reading the pages each week but this made it a little easier for me to keep up. This book was all about drugs and rehab and these kids going through it all and all the regrets and hard times they had been through. I love books like this about real life, things that could actually happen and things that do happen everyday in the world.

Sentences of the quarter

1. “Adolescence is such a fun time in your life, because you think you know it all, and you haven’t gotten to the point where you realize that you know almost nothing.”
2. “We raised our glasses.”
3. “Then, just as suddenly as I had arrived at the gates of heaven, I left them.”

13 Reasons Why

I just presented my trailer for 13 Reasons Why yesterday by Jay Asher. It took quite a lot of work since I've never made a video clip before but I did it finally and it turned out not too bad. I was pretty proud of myself! What made it easier for me though was liking the book so much. Its one of the only books I've read that I actually enjoyed and could read over and over again and could relate to and remember and talk about with people. Tell people to read it and tell them how great of a book it is. I'm sure its a book most teenage girls would like but boys and adults I think would like it as well. I don't think it'd be a good book for younger kids to read just because of the main conflict is it's about suicide and the main character "Hannah Baker" talks about some strange things and can joke about her death in some ways too which is odd.